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2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和(简称“双碳”)是我国对国际社会的庄严承诺,已被纳入生态文明建设的总体布局。生态系统碳汇是实现“双碳”目标的重要手段,也是林业和草原实现高质量发展的必然要求。国际有关机构对全球森林、草地和湿地生态系统的碳储量和碳循环进行了评估。自1990年以来,附件一国家(指《联合国气候变化框架公约》附件一列出的经济合作发展组织中所有发达国家和经济转型国家)对本国的碳排放和碳汇进行估算,编制了年度温室气体清单; 我国也编制了5次国家温室气体清单。这些工作对我国开展应对气候变化的研究提供了基础。提出了如下建议: 在编制“双碳” 路线图和时间表时,既要考虑我国生态系统碳汇与能源和工业领域碳排放在区域空间分布和时间维度上的差异性,也要考虑生态系统同时所具有的碳汇和碳排放的特殊性; 生态系统碳汇是碳达峰的非选项,是碳中和的必选项; 生态系统碳汇要遵循国家实现“双碳”目标的基本原则,要将生态系统碳汇作为国家生态建设和保护工程的主要目标,提高碳汇计量和监测能力,完善市场和融资机制。  相似文献   
尼泊尔低喜马拉雅推覆带油气苗来源不清极大地影响了该区油气勘探.在地质-地球物理综合调查的基础上,利用油气地球化学、碳同位素及生烃史模拟对尼泊尔代莱克地区油源和成藏过程进行了研究.结果表明:①尼泊尔代莱克地区油苗产于Padukasthan断裂,可分两期,第一期呈含油断层泥产出,氯仿沥青"A"为149~231 μg/g,RR.为0.81%,氯仿沥青"A"的δ13C相对较重(-26.24‰~-27.10‰),族组分具有正碳同位素序列,发黄绿色荧光,为典型的低熟煤成油,第二期呈液态油产出并遭受微生物降解,金刚烷IMD指数为0.33~0.45,R.为1.24%~1.53%,3,4-DMD含量46%~47%,全油δ13C为-29.50‰~-29.45‰,族组分碳同位素趋于一致,发蓝色荧光,为海相成因高熟油;②第一期油来源于Surkhet群的Melpani组和Gondwana群煤系烃源岩,为Ⅲ型有机质低熟阶段的产物,第二期来源于Surkhet群的Swat组浅海陆棚相黑色页岩,为Ⅱ1型有机质生油高峰的产物,两期油与Lakharpata群过成熟黑色泥岩和Siwalik群未熟泥岩没有亲缘关系;③尼泊尔低喜马拉雅推覆带具有"多源多期、推覆增熟、砂体控储、披覆控聚"的油气成藏模式,油气成藏过程可划分为沉积浅埋、构造圈闭形成、深埋油藏形成、气藏形成和晚期改造定型5个演化阶段;④尼泊尔低喜马拉雅推覆有利于Gondwana群、Surkhet群深埋增温、持续快速生烃和晚期成藏,对比邻区巴基斯坦的含油气盆地,尼泊尔低喜马拉雅推覆带及相邻类似地区具备良好的油气成藏条件.  相似文献   
In principle, many climate policymakers have accepted that large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is necessary to meet the Paris Agreement’s mitigation targets, but they have avoided proposing by whom CDR might be delivered. Given its role in international climate policy, the European Union (EU) might be expected to lead the way. But among EU climate policymakers so far there is little talk on CDR, let alone action. Here we assess how best to ‘target’ CDR to motivate EU policymakers exploring which CDR target strategy may work best to start dealing with CDR on a meaningful scale. A comprehensive CDR approach would focus on delivering the CDR volumes required from the EU by 2100, approximately at least 50 Gigatonnes (Gt) CO2, according to global model simulations aiming to keep warming below 2°C. A limited CDR approach would focus on an intermediate target to deliver the CDR needed to reach ‘net zero emissions’ (i.e. the gross negative emissions needed to offset residual positive emissions that are too expensive or even impossible to mitigate). We argue that a comprehensive CDR approach may be too intimidating for EU policymakers. A limited CDR approach that only addresses the necessary steps to reach the (intermediate) target of ‘net zero emissions’ is arguably more achievable, since it is a better match to the existing policy paradigm and would allow for a pragmatic phase-in of CDR while avoiding outright resistance by environmental NGOs and the broader public.

Key policy insights

  • Making CDR an integral part of EU climate policy has the potential to significantly reshape the policy landscape.

  • Burden sharing considerations would probably play a major role, with comprehensive CDR prolonging the disparity and tensions between progressives and laggards.

  • Introducing limited CDR in the context of ‘net zero’ pathways would retain a visible primary focus on decarbonization but acknowledge the need for a significant enhancement of removals via ‘natural’ and/or ‘engineered’ sinks.

  • A decarbonization approach that intends to lead to a low level of ‘residual emissions’ (to be tackled by a pragmatic phase-in of CDR) should be the priority of EU climate policy.

Energy-intensive industries play an important role in low-carbon development, being particularly exposed to climate policies. Concern over possible carbon leakage in this sector poses a major challenge for designing effective carbon pricing instruments (CPI). Different methodologies for assessing carbon leakage exposure are currently used by different jurisdictions, each of them based on different approaches and indicators. This paper aims to analyse the extent to which the use of different methodologies leads to different results in terms of exposure to the risk of carbon leakage, using the Brazilian industry sector as a case study. Results indicate that carbon leakage exposure is an expected outcome of eventual CPI implementation in Brazilian industry. However, results vary according to the chosen methodology, so the definition of the criteria is paramount for assessing sectoral exposure to the risk of carbon leakage.

Key policy insights

  • Despite increasing discussion about the implementation of carbon pricing on the Brazilian industrial sector, the evaluation of carbon leakage risks is still neglected.

  • Assessments of the risk of carbon leakage are directly related to the indicators and criteria used by each methodology. Thus, a given subsector may present different levels of exposure to carbon leakage depending on the methodological choice.

  • More than a purely technical discussion, the methodological definition of carbon leakage risk is a political discussion – it can be well-conducted, leading to the success of a CPI, or even sabotaged, by implicitly subsidizing energy-intensive industries.

Aviation constitutes about 2.5% of all energy-related CO2 emissions and in addition there are non-CO2 effects. In 2016, the ICAO decided to implement a Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and in 2017 the EU decided on faster emission reductions in its Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), which since 2012 includes the aviation sector. The effects of these policies on the expected development of air travel emissions from 2017 to 2030 have been analyzed. For the sample country Sweden, the analysis shows that when emissions reductions in other sectors are attributed to the aviation sector as a result of the EU ETS and CORSIA, carbon emissions are expected to reduce by ?0.8% per year (however if non-CO2 emissions are included in the analysis, then emissions will increase). This is much less than what is needed to achieve the 2°C target. Our analysis of potential national aviation policy instruments shows that there are legally feasible options that could mitigate emissions in addition to the EU ETS and CORSIA. Distance-based air passenger taxes are common among EU Member States and through increased ticket prices these taxes can reduce demand for air travel and thus reduce emissions. Tax on jet fuel is an option for domestic aviation and for international aviation if bilateral agreements are concluded. A quota obligation for biofuels is a third option.

Key policy insights
  • Existing international climate policies for aviation will not deliver any major emission reductions.

  • Policymakers who want to significantly push the aviation sector to contribute to meeting the 2°C target need to work towards putting in place tougher international policy instruments in the long term, and simultaneously implement temporary national policy instruments in the near-term.

  • Distance-based air passenger taxes, carbon taxes on jet fuel and quota obligations for biofuels are available national policy options; if they are gradually increased, and harmonized with other countries, they can help to significantly reduce emissions.

Upon completion, China’s national emissions trading scheme (C-ETS) will be the largest carbon market in the world. Recent research has evaluated China’s seven pilot ETSs launched from 2013 on, and academic literature on design aspects of the C-ETS abounds. Yet little is known about the specific details of the upcoming C-ETS. This article combines currently understood details of China’s national carbon market with lessons learned in the pilot schemes as well as from the academic literature. Our review follows the taxonomy of Emissions Trading in Practice: A Handbook on Design and Implementation (Partnership for Market Readiness & International Carbon Action Partnership. (2016). Retrieved from www.worldbank.org): The 10 categories are: scope, cap, distribution of allowances, use of offsets, temporal flexibility, price predictability, compliance and oversight, stakeholder engagement and capacity building, linking, implementation and improvements.

Key policy insights

  • Accurate emissions data is paramount for both design and implementation, and its availability dictates the scope of the C-ETS.

  • The stakeholder consultative process is critical for effective design, and China is able to build on its extensive experience through the pilot ETSs.

  • Current policies and positions on intensity targets and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) credits constrain the market design of the C-ETS.

  • Most critical is the nature of the cap. The currently discussed rate-based cap with ex post adjustment is risky. Instead, an absolute, mass-based emissions cap coupled with the conditional use of permits would allow China to maintain flexibility in the carbon market while ensuring a limit on CO2 emissions.

大兴安岭南部—松辽盆地西斜坡晚二叠世古沉积环境一直以来备受争议,关于该地区中—晚二叠世古环境演化方面的研究也鲜见报道。本文采用元素地球化学和有机地球化学相结合的研究方法,对松辽盆地西斜坡蒙科地1井中—晚二叠世古沉积环境演化特征进行综合研究。结果表明,中二叠世为明显的海相沉积,沉积水体相对较深,期间可能存在多次干热—暖湿波动,其中中二叠世ZSI晚期—ZSII早期较为明显,水体性质体现为咸水—微咸水—半咸水,水体还原性—偏氧化性—还原性,气候干热—温湿—干热。晚二叠世早期为微咸水—半咸水海相沉积,至晚二叠世晚期转变为淡水—微咸水海陆过渡相沉积,期间存在两次明显的气候环境波动,与中二叠世哲斯组沉积中期气候环境变化相似,表现为水体变浅、咸度降低、还原性减弱,气候由干热转向温湿。晚二叠世以来气候逐渐向温暖湿热转变,水体逐渐变浅,可能与二叠纪—三叠纪之交气候变暖有关。至三叠纪、侏罗纪时期,区域处于构造抬升阶段,沉积环境由海陆过渡相环境转变为陆相沉积。结合TOC、古生产力指标分析得出,中二叠世ZSI晚期—ZSII2早期、晚二叠世LXI晚期、晚二叠世LXII中期、晚二叠世LXIII沉积期偏湿润的气候条件和低咸度、弱还原—偏氧化性的沉积水体环境,是形成厚度较大、富有机质烃源岩的有利的气候环境条件。  相似文献   
泥炭是一种具有多种用途的宝贵自然资源,泥炭中的有机碳储量是研究全球碳库变化及碳循环过程的重要参数。由于泥炭多分布于沼泽中,且泥炭松软含水量大的特性,对于泥炭深度的调查、获取用于测试泥炭原状样品的质量不高,导致泥炭碳储量评价仍存在不确定性和偏差。笔者等在典型泥炭形成地若尔盖沼泽湿地地区,开展了浅钻泥炭调查取样工作,通过在泥炭斑块边缘及中心两种不同沼泽湿地地层开展的试验,验证了轻便钻机在难进入的沼泽湿地的适应性,配套的振动冲击工艺可高质量的获得无扰动的泥炭样品,同时查明了泥炭层的厚度。通过试验初步探索了采用轻便钻机配套振动冲击钻进工艺进行泥炭调查取样的有效性。浅层取样钻探作为泥炭调查取样的一种直接有效的技术手段,可以有效地提高泥炭调查效率和精度,为准确评价泥炭储量数据提供可靠的钻探技术服务支撑。  相似文献   
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